Alberto Vergara is Veterinarian and Professor in the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine of the University of
He was breeder of Italian
Cane Corso since 2000 and with the kennel name of “Fosso Corno”
produced Italian, Club and European champions. He was member of
the National Board of the “Società Amatori Cane Corso” (SACC),
recognized by the Italian Kennel Club for the safeguard and
promotion of the breed.
Today he breeds French Bulldogs with the Kennel name of “Boule
de Voyance”. Boule
de Voyance Frenchies are well known and successfully showed in
the main National and International Shows. In the year 2014
Boule de Voyance won the prestigious “Breeding Trophy of Italian
Kennel Club” as absolute best Kennel of 9th FCI Group.
Alberto Vergara is the
Author of numerous articles and of the first italian book
entirely dedicated to the French Bulldog. He was President of
the Technical Committee of the Italian Companion and Toy Breeds
Club and Responsible of the Section of Little Molossers. Since
2005 he is a member of the National Board of the Italian
Companion and Toy Breeds Club and since 2013 vice-president of
Teramo Delegation of Italian Kennel Club.
Alberto Vergara is a FCI
Judge for all the breeds of 9th, 4th, and of 10th FCI Group and
for many breeds of 2th group with experience in countries such
as Serbia, Montenegro, Poland, Ireland, Costa Rica, Sweden,
Finland, Bulgaria, Portugal, Latvia, Norway, Slovenia, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Romania and Russia. Alberto Vergara contributed
with the Italian Companion Toy Breeds Club and with the Italian
Kennel Club ENCI to elaborate the cards for Judges’refresher